Our security services

Enigma Dark: Your One-Stop Blockchain Security Solution

We offer comprehensive blockchain security services, including audits, fuzzing, invariant testing, and 360 security advisory to get the most out of your security budget.

Security Engagement
Enigma Dark's Security Audit employs manual code review conducted by our expert auditors, ensuring meticulous examination to uncover vulnerabilities in your blockchain solutions. We carefully choose auditors with diverse skillsets to precisely match each project's requirements.
Security Engagement
Enigma Dark's Invariant Testing service is dedicated to enhancing your protocol's security measures by developing an invariant testing suite. This suite is designed to uncover hidden bugs and address edge cases in the code execution.
We provide comprehensive guidance and decision-making advice during the early stages of protocol design and through the development cycle. Additionally, we offer scheduling and management services for audits and contests to ensure your project gets the most ROI out of your security budget.